thank you for your e-mail!
I also sent you an update, on 17/3, in case you aren't aware of that
yet, (since you don't refer to that update in your e-mail).
Erik Ribsskog
Here is more about this:
Erik Ribsskog eribsskog@gmail.com
Mar 17 (3 days ago)
to CONTACT-US, Contact-Us, bcc: Benefits, bcc: Cc:, bcc: Contact-Us,
bcc: CONTACT-US, bcc: info
I was looking for something else, and found the post it-note, (from
the last e-mail), on my blog now.
It isn't even signed, so I just thought that you had a sour
working-class-woman there, or something, that wrote silly notes.
Because this had really been explained about in detail, in the letter
mentioned in the last-email.
Erik Ribsskog
PS 2.
I also attach a scan of the mentioined post it-note, (which I sent
with the update from 17/3).
On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 11:01 AM, Operations Correspondence
<CORRESPONDENCE@dwp.gsi.gov.uk> wrote:
> I confirm that we have received your complaint of 14 March
> We are looking into the points raised and we will be in touch once all our enquiries are complete.
> P. Frith
> Operations Correspondence Team
> PO Box 50101
> London SW1P 2WU
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
> Sent: 14 March 2014 13:23
> Subject: To Paul Andrews, Complaints Resolution Manager - Your ref: FH18751/Fwd: Your ref: 10055749
> Hi,
> I'm refering to your letter from 11/2, which I received today, (and which I attach).
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