Til: Diane McLaren
Kopi: informationgovernance@ico.org.uk, rcjchancery.judgeslisting@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, aroberts@kirwans.co.uk, info@kirwans.co.uk, e.masterson@easylaw.co.uk, Akademikerforbundet , Leanne Kennedy , "hv-02.kontakt" , "emb.london" , Legal LSC , she , Politikk Høyre , LHT Customer Service , Runcorn Office , info , Info , Bjørn Ribsskog , admin , ITCGM- Norwegian Consulate , "anne-kathrine.skodvin" , post@nav.no, "steve.rotheram.mp" , "HRET (postmottak)" , findasolicitor , Colin Simber , julian.linskill@linskills.co.uk, post , Phso Enquiries , Nicola Bailey
Hi, I've thought more about this case. The court says that the mad jobcentre-employee, (Sarah Bamber), is a miss. But she has a teenage-daughter. So she's really a divorcee. And she's used with having sex, every day, (or so), with her husband. And now she's sex-starved and depressed and ageing and desperate, (she's now more than 50 I think). This the court doesn't say. They pretend she's a maiden/virgin in her 20's, or something. She has probably written these e-mails herself, to get attention. Just something I thought about. Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>Date: 2018-01-24 17:41 GMT+01:00 Subject: Fwd: Your cases at Liverpool Magistrates Court To: Diane McLaren < diane.mclaren@linskills.co.uk> Cc: informationgovernance@ico.org.uk, rcjchancery.judgeslisting@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, aroberts@kirwans.co.uk, info@kirwans.co.uk, e.masterson@easylaw.co.uk, Akademikerforbundet < post@akademikerforbundet.no>, Leanne Kennedy < l.kennedy@easylaw.co.uk>, "hv-02.kontakt" < hv-02.kontakt@mil.no>, "emb.london" < emb.london@mfa.no>, Legal LSC < legal.lsc@legalservices.gov.uk>, she < she@topdanmark.dk>, Politikk Høyre < politikk@hoyre.no>, LHT Customer Service < csc@lht.co.uk>, Runcorn Office < runcornoffice@taroe.org>, info < info@linskills.co.uk>, Info < info@tpas.org.uk>, Bjørn Ribsskog < bribsskog@gmail.com>, admin < admin@lpl-norwegian-consulate.org.uk>, ITCGM- Norwegian Consulate < norconsulate@itcgm.co.uk>, "anne-kathrine.skodvin" < anne-kathrine.skodvin@ica.no> , post@nav.no, " steve.rotheram.mp" < steve.rotheram.mp@parliament.uk>, "HRET (postmottak)" < post@hoyesterett.no>, findasolicitor < findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk>, Colin Simber < colin.simber@linskills.co.uk> , julian.linskill@linskills.co.uk, post < post@mfa.no>, Phso Enquiries < phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk>, Nicola Bailey < nicola.bailey@linskills.co.uk>
Hi, it's like this, I think. Someone in Nigeria sits and 'push buttons', (they send spoofing-mails pretending to be me). (After reading my blog). And then the British courts, police and jobcentre starts running around like 'puppets'. And harass me almost to death. And then Melissa M'Betsa, (who Marianne Høksås, from Arvato, 'threw me in with', in a shared house, in 2005). She they steals my stuff, after I've run back to Norway with only a suitcase. (I reported M'Betsa, (from Zimbabwe), to the Merseyside Police for similar crime, in 2006).
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>Date: 2018-01-24 16:57 GMT+01:00 Subject: Re: Your cases at Liverpool Magistrates Court To: Diane McLaren < diane.mclaren@linskills.co.uk>
Cc: informationgovernance@ico.org.uk, rcjchancery.judgeslisting@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, aroberts@kirwans.co.uk, info@kirwans.co.uk, e.masterson@easylaw.co.uk, Akademikerforbundet < post@akademikerforbundet.no>, Leanne Kennedy < l.kennedy@easylaw.co.uk>, "hv-02.kontakt" < hv-02.kontakt@mil.no>, "emb.london" < emb.london@mfa.no>, Legal LSC < legal.lsc@legalservices.gov.uk>, she < she@topdanmark.dk>, Politikk Høyre < politikk@hoyre.no>, LHT Customer Service < csc@lht.co.uk>, Runcorn Office < runcornoffice@taroe.org>, info < info@linskills.co.uk>, Info < info@tpas.org.uk>, Bjørn Ribsskog < bribsskog@gmail.com>, admin < admin@lpl-norwegian-consulate.org.uk>, ITCGM- Norwegian Consulate < norconsulate@itcgm.co.uk>, "anne-kathrine.skodvin" < anne-kathrine.skodvin@ica.no> , post@nav.no, " steve.rotheram.mp" < steve.rotheram.mp@parliament.uk>, "HRET (postmottak)" < post@hoyesterett.no>, findasolicitor < findasolicitor@lawsociety.org.uk>, Colin Simber < colin.simber@linskills.co.uk> , julian.linskill@linskills.co.uk, post < post@mfa.no>, Phso Enquiries < phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk>, Nicola Bailey < nicola.bailey@linskills.co.uk>
Hi, perhaps you should be a bit more western, and say that the custommer is always right. (Like I've learned at business-school). Instead of starting to pick, on your custommers. I want to escalate this, please. You clearly don't understand the case. Mr. Linskills says that my e-mail-account has been hacked, (he has said that in court). But his/your IT-skills are at level with law-firms on the Faro Island, I think. You should try to get your IT-skills to be on level with law firms in London, (and not the Faro Islands), I think. And your 'Russian' custommer-support on top of this. Is it just that you pretend to not understand the case, I'm wondering.
Erik Ribsskog