Today there's been a small rush, to the blog, with people, from around the world, that have been reading about the time, when I destroyed the monument outside of the Cunard Building, here in Liverpool, a bit.
I was working, for Microsoft's Scandinavian Product Activation, (run by Bertelsmann Arvato), in 2005 and 2006.
I was treated like a slave there, I think I have to say, and bullied a lot.
I have an employment-case process going on against them, if one click the button, in the header-bar, with the Microsoft butterfly on it, and a picture of a butt, that one of the team-leaders there, Vivian Steinsland, sent me.
And it's also on this blog, in this link:
But anyway.
I've also been bullied very much, by the Police and other Governments, in Norway and Britain, after I started the case agaist Arvato/Microsoft.
The Police called me 'Miss Erik Ribsskog', etc.
I'll see if I can find the picture of this:
And one can see, that the Merseyside Police, called the files I gave them, to do with the case against Bertelsmann Arvato/Microsoft, 'found property', even if I delivered them, to them, at the Police-office.
And Police have also been lieing, telling med that the CAB, are 'goverment', when they are infact a charity, before sending me there, after not wanting to help me.
And the Police have also been operating with phoney e-mail addresses etc.
So of course I wanted to compain about the Police.
Which I did, to the IPCC.
But the IPCC, stopped answering my e-mails and stopped returning my phone-calls, so I also complained to the Norwegian embassy, in London.
And I've also contacted a lot of other government institutions, in Norway and Britain, to try to get help with the case etc.
But I've been bullied, by more or less all of these Government institutions after this.
It maybe seems stupid of me, to use so much time on an employment-case, but it seemed to me, that some of the Nordic women working there, were being used as whores or something, by some 'mob' or something.
Some of them disappered, for no obvoius reason, and others worked rearly.
I suspect there were some Illuminati-people, using the girls as whores etc.
Something like this.
It also looked like this, from the symbols on the monument, and on the Cunard Building.
It was the Roman God of death, Pluto, and the Egyptian God of death, Aker, and Lucifer, on top of the monument, and a vikingship in it, it seemed.
I think it can be connected with 'the curse of Ham', that the vikings/the Nordic people, are the decendants of Ham, from Talmud and the Bible, I think.
And therefore are cursed to be slaves and whores etc.
And that this is the Illuminati/New World Order-agenda.
Something like this.
I started digging into this, about a year ago, after the problems at the Microsoft-activation, and I've found much more.
That Aids is in the polio-vacines.
That there is no atombomb. (It's a clever scam, to brainwash the world, it seems to me).
And much more.
11. September, and also the Seed-bank at Spitsberger, which is maybe not so well-known in Britain etc.
But, it seems to me, from reading a lot of stuff on the net, and having a tracking-cookie on my blog, leting me see what people are searching on, on Google etc.
That, they could lead a meteor, to crash with the earth.
(Claiming to wanting to do the opposite).
The New World Order-elite.
And then hide in large underground shelters.
(Which I've read are being buildt).
And then, after alle the normal people have died, go to the seed-bank, in Spitsbergen, and start from scratch, with the agriculture etc.
These seems to be a few of the Illuminati agendaes.
To me, at least.
So I thought I could write a bit about this in English, as well, since I've been writing a lot about this, in Norwegian.
But, since I'm from Norway, then it's easier for me, to explain about this, in Norwegian.
So, I'm not sure how this sounds, when I'm just summarising this, without explaining more thorowly, in English.
But, this is how it seems to me, that these things are, at least, so I thought I'd at least mention them.
Why I distroyed the monument, was that I was a bit in rage, and in pain, since everyone, were f*cking, with my rights.
All the different governments.
So I got rage attacks etc.
And I wanted to have a go for the viking-ship.
Since I thought it was some Illuminati/freemasonary-symbol.
But it was three or four meters, from the ground, so I couldn't reach it, so I had a go at the letters instead.
Some of them were easy to get out, so I didn't even have to use the axe I'd brought, to have a go at the viking-ship with.
But then the Police of course, came with a van, with a lot of police-officers, and arrested me, when I was finished there, and was headed home again.
Because the last letters, where stuck.
So one couldn't remove them with an axe even.
But anyway.
I've also heard some people saying behind my back, 'that they can't say she's just an office-whore'.
This has been on my mind, that I heard this, behind my back, for a couple of weeks now.
At least, this is what I thought I heard.
Something like this.
I write this now, in case I lose my landline and internet-connection soon, since I haven't had the time to do my work, I've spent to much time on the blog etc.
But anyway.
Just while I have this at mind.
So there seems to me that the Nordic people have the curse of Ham, or something.
That they must have been one of the 'lost tribes of Israel', who went North, and must have ended up in Scandinavia.
That's my theory for all this, at least.
So I thought I'd write about this.
While I still have my landline etc.
So that's how this is.
Erik Ribsskog