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lørdag 4. mai 2013

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til LHT

Gmail - To: Laura Murphy, Income Management Officer


Erik Ribsskog

To: Laura Murphy, Income Management Officer

Erik Ribsskog


Sat, May 4, 2013 at 2:06 PM

LHT Customer Service <>

Benefits Service <>

Contact-Us <>


I'm refering to your letter from 3/5, which I recieved today, regarding Housing Benefit.

I sent an e-mail to the Council's Benefit Service, on 26/4, regarding this, and I also sent a copy, to LHT.

So you should have been informed about this.

This is just a misunderstanding, from the Jobcentre.

The Jobcentre have sent my letters to 15 Keith Court, and they think I haven answered their letters, and told the Council that it had been a change, in my income.

When the problem really was that the Jobcentre has sent letters to me, to the wrong address, so I haven't gotten them.

So I haven't been able to show the Jobcentre the book-keeping, for my two small businesses.

And the Jobcentre have later 'mis-lead' the Council, (I think I have to say), and told the Council there  has been a change in my income.

Which isn't right, because these two, small businesses, I've been trying to build up, the last years, and they owe me a bit of money still, because they have ran like ten pounds in minus, a month, so I still haven't earned any money on these businesses, but I try to turn them around, on my spare-time.

(I do my job-search as well, so the small businesses are just hobbies, really).

I apply for web-design-jobs, and want to have an online portifolio, when I apply for jobs, and that's why I don't want to close this mentioned web-shop, even if it owes me a bit money.

So this is just that the Jobcentre haven't understood.

And that they have sent important letters to the wrong address.

So this is just something silly, really.

But I've sent to the Council about this.

And I send a copy of this e-mail to them.

So I think this is going to sort out, and that the Council are going to send you the Housing Benefit again, as soon as possible.

Sorry about the problems with this.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


Are you related to Lorna Murphy, from one of my previous landlords Imperial Property/TJ. Thomas, by the way?

lht brev.jpg


Her er vedlegget:

lht brev


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Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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