Klage/Fwd: GatherContent Best Practices : Collaboration
Erik Ribsskog
Til: juridisk
Kopi: paul@gathercontent.com, elh@forbrukertilsynet.no, inger.lise.blyverket@forbrukerradet.no, fmovpost
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Erik Ribsskog
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Fra: Paul from GatherContent
Date: ons. 5. aug. 2020 kl. 23:10
Subject: GatherContent Best Practices : Collaboration
Hi Erik,
Do you ever find yourself asking "How will I get all stakeholders involved in content creation?" This is a common challenge among Higher Education institutes, especially when you factor in the sheer volume of individuals who would be involved in creating course guides
GatherContent commenting & shareable links are designed to make this process as easy as possible
Assign individuals to content items and have live commenting providing a feedback process for your content creation.
Shareable Links
If you require a more frictionless approach you can use a shareable link, allow individuals to view. comment, edit and approve without the need for them to sign up for a GatherContent account
Invite some people into your GatherContent account and test out our collaboration features!
GatherContent Team
"Because of GatherContent, we rarely have trouble getting content from clients on time now. To me, this is amazing. In 15+ years, that’s always been a problem (in fact, the main problem). All of a sudden, only 10% of our projects get delayed because of content. Before, it was 90%."
Don Elliott, Director of Production at Gravitate
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