Erik Ribsskog <>
Klage/Fwd: You won! Pay now to receive PS4 Persona 5 Scramb...
Erik Ribsskog <> 17. september 2020 kl. 20:23
Til: juridisk <>
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Erik Ribsskog
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Fra: eBay <>
Date: tor. 20. aug. 2020 kl. 16:50
Subject: You won! Pay now to receive PS4 Persona 5 Scramb...
To: <>
Seller is waiting for your payment before they can ship. You won with a EUR 75.00 bid! Next, make your payment.
You won with a EUR 75.00 bid! Next, make your payment.
Complete purchase
Congratulations, Erika Kaja!
You won this auction. Please select shipping and make a payment to old.bo_92 to receive your item.
PS4 Persona 5 Scramble The Phantom Strikers - Versione JAP
PS4 Persona 5 Scramble The Phantom Strikers - Versione JAP
Your winning bid: EUR 75.00
+ shipping
• You placed 1 bid and won
Complete purchase
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